You may have to add this source in cydia to get the app: 1. go to cydia and click search and type ifile 2. click the first one (iFile) and click install and install it. 3. once done click iFile on ur springboard of ur ipod touch or iphone 4. when it comes up keep tapping the botton at the top far left until u cannot click anymore. at this point there should be a slash (/) in the middle at the top. once here... go to step 5. 5. click system->library->coreservices->>english.iproj->springboard.strings 6. once u click that a whole page of codes should appear. 7. place finger at the bottom of where the coding ends on that one page and slide finger up till ur finger reaches the top. look at the bottom again and u should see: "AWAY_LOCK-LABEL" = "Slide to Unlock"; 8. when u see that click edit at the top left and point finger at the phrase "slide to unlock". 9. NOW VERY VERY IMPORTANT.Hold finger down in that phrase and put the curser JUST BEFORE THE CLOSED QUOTATION MARK i.e just before this " and right after the letter k in slide to unlock. 10. NOW VERY VERY IMPORTANT. ONLY BACKSPACE TO INFRONT OF THE OPEN QUOTATION MARK. i.e ONLY REMOVE THE WORDS SLIDE TO UNLOCK. AFTER THAT INPUT A WORD OR PHRASE IN BETWEEN THE OPEN AND CLOSED QUOTATION MARKS. 11. WHEN DONE CLICK SAVE AND DONE. DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING ELSE, ELSE IT MIGHT DAMAGE UR IPHONE OR IPOD TOUCH. 12.After that click ur home button to return to ur spring board. 13. U must respring the device for it to show up. to respringe u can a. turn off and turn back on ur device. b. use winterboard by selecting, reselecting or deselecting a theme c. use sp settings by sliding the top of ur iphone/ipod touch and click respring 14. when u respring the change will be made. 15. thats it. if it has not been changed then u did something wrong. Thanks to Derron "Making things easier for u!" Visit me at my website at and on youtube derron444. For a video demonstration copy and paste this youtube link